Stargaze from Your Hot Tub with Starry Night Soaks

Caldera Spas Stargazing Night Article A Spot Wide

At Caldera® Spas, we're always looking for fun ways to fit self-care and hydrotherapy into our days — and nights. That's why we're absolutely loving our new favorite end-of-day ritual we've dubbed the "Starry Night Soak." Want to give it a try? Wait for the sun to set, step into your Caldera hot tub and cast your eyes toward the night sky.

Whether you stargaze alone, invite your partner or include the whole family, everyone will emerge from the water feeling calm, centered and more connected.

Use these tips for the ultimate stargazing experience, both in and out of your hot tub at night.

Stargazing 101: The Basics.


  • Stargazing is best done on a clear night, so check the weather forecast and try to avoid "cloudy," "hazy," or "overcast" nights. You can also check the humidity levels and dust or allergens that could be hanging in the sky, which also affect visibility.


  • Have you ever been camping in the wilderness or driving in the countryside, and been shocked at how many stars you could see? Where did they come from? Of course, all those stars are in the sky wherever you are, but "light pollution" in cities and suburban areas can make them harder to see. Before your stargazing session, reduce the surrounding light by turning off any indoor and outdoor lights, including TVs, screens and any other light sources.


  • Of course, hot tubbing under a big, bright, full moon is magical, but if your priority is the stars and constellations, you'll want the sky to be a little darker. The best time for a stargazing session is during each New Moon, which usually lasts about three days. When the conditions are right and there's no Moon to wash out the light from fainter stars, you can look forward to seeing thousands of stars highlighted in the dark night sky!


  • The best time to stargaze is when the sun is far enough below the horizon that it's not casting light into the sky. The darkest time of night is between midnight and dawn, which might not be practical for most people, but the later you head to your hot tub, the more stars you'll be able to see.


  • While you might prefer hot tubbing in more mild temperatures, the middle of winter provides the best opportunities for stargazing. Colder air tends to hold less moisture (which is better for visibility), and the longer nights provide more hours for gazing. Just be sure to grab your stocking cap for your head and hang a plush, warm robe next to the tub on a towel rack so you can wrap up in as soon as you step out.

What to Look For.

Gazing at the millions of endless stars can be relaxing and help you zone out - if that's what you're going for - but knowing what you're looking at can be educational and rewarding. Take advantage of a smartphone app to give yourself reference of what you're looking at. Below are some of our favorites!

Apps can guide your viewing experience, but did you know some constellations are only visible at certain times of year? Use the below guide for a seasonal breakdown of which planets, constellations, and other celestial bodies are visible each season in the Western Hemisphere.


Between March and May, look for constellations such as Leo, Virgo, and Ursa Major. You can also see planets like Jupiter and Saturn, as well as meteor showers including the Lyrids and the Eta Aquarids.


The warm nights of summer are the perfect time to observe constellations such as Scorpius, Sagittarius, and Cygnus, as well as the Milky Way. It's also easy to spot the bright lights of Jupiter and Saturn.


During this time, grab your telescope to observe constellations such as Pegasus, Andromeda, and Cassiopeia. Look out for meteor showers like the Orionids and the Leonids.


Beat the winter chill with a steamy soak, and while you're there, be sure to look for constellations such as Orion, Taurus, and Canis Major. You can also see planets like Venus, Mars, and Jupiter, as well as meteor showers including the Geminids and the Quadrantids.

Family Fun Under The Stars.

Stargazing with your family is fun and educational. Everyone will love finding their astrological sign, identifying the Big and Little Dipper, or being the first to spot a shooting star. If enthusiasm starts to wane, try one of these astrological themed games.

  • Try the classic ABC game with astrological themes. Start with the youngest family member, and go clockwise around the hot tub. Start with the letter "A" and name a celestial object that begins with that letter — like "asteroid." Then the next person has the letter "B" for Big Dipper, "C" for Capricorn, etc.
  • Name that space- or star-themed movies. Challenge yourselves to name as many movies or books with a space or star themes. Keep going until you can't think of any more! You can do the same with space- or star-themed songs.

Setting the Mood.

Many hot tubs come with sound systems, allowing you to really set the scene and enjoy some mood music! We curated two space- and star-themed playlists that are perfect for your Starry Night Soak.



We think you'll agree, stargazing from your hot tub can be a magical way to connect with the universe and your loved ones. We hope these tips help you to make the most of your stargazing efforts and enjoy the beauty of the night sky.

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